Vol. 5 No. 11 (2024): The Impact of Overweight and Obesity in Early Pregnancy on Maternal Complications in Cambodia
The Impact of Overweight and Obesity in Early Pregnancy on Maternal Complications in Cambodia

Research Article

Soknay Chhin1,2, Shinobu Sakurai2, Jun Ueki2, Ritsuko Wakabayashi2*

 1National Maternal and Child Health Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia;

2Juntendo University, Graduate School of Health Care and Nursing, Japan

*Corresponding author: Ritsuko Wakabayashi, RN, PHN, PhD. r.wakabayashi@juntendo.ac.jp



Soknay Chhin, Shinobu Sakurai , Jun Ueki , Ritsuko Wakabayashi
The Impact of Overweight and Obesity in Early Pregnancy on Maternal Complications in Cambodia