Vol. 5 No. 6 (2024): Detection of Human Rhinovirus and Human Parainfluenza Virus among Young Children in Three Hospitals in Cambodia, 2020-2021
Detection of Human Rhinovirus and Human Parainfluenza Virus among Young Children in Three Hospitals in Cambodia, 2020-2021

Savuth Chin*, Darapheak Chau, Siyeatra Sok, Phally Vy, Sovandara Om, Daraden Vang, Panha Sreng, Gexleng Heng, Sengly Manh, Tonghav Kouch, Phally Phan, Dara Nuth, Visal Chhe, Sokha Dul, Chanracksmey Ket, Sitha Prum

National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Cambodia

*Corresponding author: Savuth Chin, Email: savuth_chin@niph.org.kh