Reviewers' Acknowledgment




Since its first establishment in 2019, our main objective of the Cambodia Journal of Public Health (CJPH) has been to initiate a culture of academic writing and publication among students, faculty members, and health researchers in Cambodia to increase the visibility of their public health and health-related works, both nationally and internationally.

Therefore, since the beginning, we have operated the journal through a single peer review with open access without charging any fee to the authors. We encourage all researchers, especially the junior ones, to use the CJPH as an academic platform to share their findings, perspectives, experiences, and critical thinking in all health aspects in Cambodia. We also publish students’ abstracts from their graduated theses with the editor’s review and edit to initiate the idea of what academic publication is like for those students who have been exposed to the system for the first time.

At the end of 2024, the CJPH Editor and team would like to thank the following reviewers, who have spent their valuable time and commitment reviewing, evaluating, and providing critical and productive comments to the manuscripts submitted to CJPH. Their dedication and contribution are greatly appreciated.


  1. Khieu Kimlee, MD, MPH                                     School of Public Health, NIPH     
  2. Seang Kennarey, MD, PhD                             University of Health Science
  3. Assoc. Prof. An Yom, MD, MPH,                     School of Public Health, NIPH     
  4. Ngor Chamnab, BS, MPH, MEpi                     National Institute of Public Health
  5. Khuon Dyna, BS, MSc, PhD                             University of Health Science
  6. Long Sereyraksmey, RN, MPH                       National Institute of Public Health
  7. Ma Sokvy, BSNM, MSc                                     National Institute of Public Health
  8. Chhim Srean, MSc, MPhil                                National Institute of Public Health
  9. Um Samnang, MSc, MA, PhD                         National Institute of Public Health