The Client Satisfaction Measurement in OPD Service in Som Health Center 2018: From Service User and Clinical Perspective


Client satifaction
Healthcare services
OPD service
Quality of care
Health center
Takeo province



Patient satisfaction is one of the essential indicators for healthcare service improvement and an important component of the quality of services. In Cambodia, the quality of health services has been improving over time; however, there are remaining challenges that need to be considered from quality improvement perspectives, such as incentives to change behavior and client awareness toward healthcare services. Therefore, this research aimed to measure client satisfaction with care at Som Health Center in Takeo Province.


The data used in this study were taken from a rapid survey on the assessment of the quality of care and patient satisfaction in the outpatient department (OPD) in the Som Health Center in Takeo Province in 2018. The participants were adults and pediatric patients and caregivers. Descriptive statistics are used to describe the level of client satisfaction in OPD services and highlighted the current quality of service provided by health providers in pediatric and adult OPDs based on the Quality-of-Care Assessment (MoH) guidelines.




Of the 46 respondents included in this study, there were 14 current user patients (30.4%) and 32 former users (villagers), 69.6%. The mean age of the respondents was 43.56 years old. Most participants were women (86.9%), and 13.1% were men. The overall level of patient satisfaction assessment in the Som Health Center was 68%. However, patients who currently used the healthcare services (treatment) were more satisfied than villagers who used to come to treatment six months ago (83% vs. 61%). The observed quality of healthcare in pediatric OPD was 33%, while the observed quality of healthcare in adult OPD was 61%.


Pediatric care in Som Health Center is the most needed section for improvement compared to others. Health care providers should be aware of these findings. Alternative methods should be prepared to ensure the best possible care, particularly among children receiving care at the pediatric OPD.